Tag Archives: Gallagher brothers

The naming of things

I watched Exit Through The Gift Shop again recently and was struck by the name of the film. It takes on a meaning separate from the actual phrase, it becomes a moniker, or the equivalent of a band name. Just like Oasis now means the Gallagher brothers before it means a body of water.

It’s an addictive film to watch, makes you want to misbehave…but not get caught.

A band name is a commodity. You associate all that the band is with their name and expect such whenever you hear them.

An album name however, is an indication of the weather surrounding a certain band, a signpost to where they’re going or where they want to take you, or just a confusing collection of words that you then have to forever associate with the music it encloses.

Based on what I’ve just said, Coosticks is a band name set to confuse and perhaps the name of the new collection of songs is too. The electro pop confection of tunes and other such musical treats we are currently working on has the provisional title of ‘Weapon Of Love’. Although, I strongly suspect that title’s here to stay. Hope you like it!


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